Monday, April 20, 2015

Reverse Discrimination

So let me see if I understand this... It's discrimination if a Christian bakery refuses to work with a client who is gay, but it's -not- discrimination if a gay bakery refuses a Christian client? Blatant liberal hypocrisy... And persecution of Christians is apparently totally acceptable in 2015.

I can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm raising my daughter in a society where praying is banned in public schools but boys can use the girl's bathroom if they identify as a female. I don't know anymore.

Context: Colorado's Reverse Discrimination: Yes To Gay Marriage, No To Bible Verses

Ocean Beach Park

This past weekend me, my wife and some friends checked out Ocean Beach Park in Waterford, CT. It's a lovely spot to visit and we really enjoyed the boardwalk. Beautiful scenery from the beach as well!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Pirelli Building | West Haven, CT

My wife finally convinced me to join her at the IKEA store in New Haven, Connecticut. While I'll admit that some of the furniture there was fairly unique, I was more impressed with the design of this adjacent building.

Nautilus in the Fog

The USS Nautilus on display at the Submarine Force Library & Museum in Groton, CT.
The USS Nautilus on display at the Submarine Force Library & Museum in Groton, CT.

Every day when I drive to work I get to glance over and see the USS Nautilus on display at the Submarine Force Library and Museum. Sometimes it's glistening in the beautiful sun, and late at night you can just barely see a shadow in the moonlight. This particular morning it happened to be surrounded by fog.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Leaving Google Drive for Microsoft OneDrive

I've been using Google Drive to backup my photos and videos for several years but today I've decided to make the switch to Microsoft OneDrive. The pricing is identical (100GB for $1.99), but what made me want to switch is OneDrive's online functionality. Offline, the two services operate the same - drop your files into a specific folder, and an app sync that to the cloud.

Over the years, I've had a strange relationship with Google's products. I adopted Google's Picasa Web Albums early on, and quickly upload thousands of photos into organized albums. When it was announced that Picasa Web Albums was dead and Google+ would take over, I merged years of photos over to that service. I liked the built in image enhancement and editing tools, the fact that I could easily tag people and people could comment easily. For redundancy, I also uploaded the raw / full size version of those photos on to my Google Drive as a raw backup. Then one day I saw that you could display Google Drive photos in your Google+ albums, which I experimented with - and it was pure chaos. I had duplicates of everything, some albums were shared, some were private. It was a nightmare. Now Google's announced that they have plans to yet again overhaul the Google+ photo experience.

Lately the progress on Google Drive's photo functionality has been slow. By organizing and viewing your photos directly on Google Drive's web interface, you're literally just viewing your files as you would on your desktop. With OneDrive it organizes your photos into a chronological stream and your photos are displayed in tiled mosaics. Microsoft has turned OneDrive into a hybrid file viewer / social photo gallery and it's what I've been hoping Google would do with Drive for years.

I'd love to hear in the comments what your opinion is on the available cloud storage services and how their functionality compares to one another.

Bluff Point State Park

After six months of living apart, my wife recently joined me here in Connecticut and we've already begun checking out what the greater New London area has to offer. This past weekend we decided to check out Bluff Point State Park as it's one of the few public beaches that doesn't charge an obscene price to park (it's free!). What we discovered is that it's no ordinary beach where you park and you're on sand after walking a few meters. It's actually a hiking and jogging trail, and you have to walk about half a mile before you get to the actual beach area. We ended up walking the entire loop, which according to rough estimates is about 3.6 miles. I took some photos as it was a beautiful day, despite being somewhat cold out (~40 plus wind chill).   Overall, it's a very nice trail to run, walk, or bike on and the trail is mostly even (no major ruts). There were no extremely steep grades. If I had to guess I'd say the steepest grade was about 8 degrees. Here's some highlights:

Beach - Harkness Memorial State Park

#beach #nature #ocean #ct #Connecticut #statepark #harknessmemorial #goshenpoint #goshencove

A photo posted by Jordan (@whiskeycoffee_) on

The other day my wife and I went exploring at some various state parks here in the Groton area - we were at Harkness Memorial State Park when we stumbled upon this beautiful public beach. Finding these hidden gems is one of the best things you can do in your free / off time!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Axe's "White Label" line changes everything

axe_forestAhh, yes... Axe... The beloved body wash and body spray of middle schoolers across America... Well perhaps with the release of the "White Label" line, Axe may change their image and reputation altogether. In my last review, I referred to Axe's smell as "douchey" - and by that I mean extremely overpowering and obnoxious.

When I was shopping for deodorant the other day I saw this new deodorant from Axe and was intrigued. I almost didn't pick it up, as I saw the brand name and dismissed it right away, but there was something about the new design I couldn't ignore. I was pleasantly surprised when I took a sniff of the "Forest" scent as I picked up gentle mixture of pine tree and lavender. Most angsty teenagers will probably turn their nose away to that description, but the mixture of lavender and pine is a very gentlemanly smell that only a man could appreciate.

The deodorant goes on smoothly and doesn't clump up, and so far it does not seem to irritate my skin at all. And as I said before, the scent is very mild and is barely noticeable after a few hours. Hats off to Axe for this one.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

USS California comes home from deployment

Today I had the honor of seeing the USS California come in to port from their six month deployment. Seeing a submarine coming down the Thames River is just not something you see every day (well, unless you live in the Groton area, I guess) and it was definitely a surreal experience.

I was very proud to be there alongside the families of the sailors and welcome them back on to solid ground. =)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Naval Funeral Flag Presentation Ceremony

Being part of the funeral detail was a huge honor for me. I attended two different funerals and helped fold and inspect the flag and then present it to the widow(s). It was a very humbling and surreal experience for me to present a flag to the widow of a fallen United States sailor. Hopefully I will be able to do more of these in the future!

If anyone is curious, this is what the flag presentation ceremony looks like: